Lumbar Spine

Degenerative Disc Disease

in the lumbar spine, or lower back, refers to a syndrome in which a compromised disc causes low back pain


describes an abnormal, side to side curvature of the spine.


or “dowager’s hump,” is an unnatural curving of the upper back that creates a hunchback appearance in the posture, often associated with osteoporosis.

Spinal Stenosis

with stenosis, facet joints in the spine can enlarge and place pressure on the spinal nerve roots or spinal cord, causing back pain, leg pain, arm pain and other symptoms during certain activities.


is a condition in which a defect in a part of the spine causes vertebra to slip to one side of the body.

Pars Defect

A pars defect is believed to be a stress fracture. A stress fracture happens from repeated strain on a bone. At first the body is able to heal the damage. If the repeated strains happen faster than the body can respond, the bone eventually fractures. People are not born with spondylolysis. It commonly first appears in childhood. Football linemen and gymnasts are affected the most.

Lumbar Disc Herniation

occurs when the disc degenerates and the inner core leaks out.


Sciatica describes symptoms that travel from the low back and produce leg pain.